Mihaela Patrascu provides assistance and legal representation services that lead to an approach oriented towards creative solutions and solving the problems faced by each individual client.
Mihaela's areas of expertise are civil, commercial, real estate, banking, administrative, copyright and related rights, labor, family, associations and foundations, common property & owners' associations, criminal law. Within them, Mihaela provides both legal consultancy activities, as well as assistance and representation before the courts and other institutions.
From the beginning of his career, he continuously practiced the skills necessary for the lawyer profession, participating in various processes and projects. As part of the activities carried out by Mihaela, we mention by way of example:
- Coordinating and supporting civil, commercial, contentious-administrative, labor disputes, in the field of copyright and related rights, family law;
- Debt recovery, assistance in the foreclosure procedure;
- Assistance in insolvency proceedings;
- Consultancy and legal assistance in the procedures for establishing non-profit organizations (associations, foundations) as well as during the development of NGO activity.
- Representation of co-owners and associations of owners in all administrative aspects, including preparation and enforcement;
- Assistance and representation before the criminal investigation bodies during the criminal investigation for the participants in the criminal proceedings (suspect, defendant, injured party/civil party);
- Assistance and representation before the courts in criminal cases for the participants in the criminal process (defendant, injured party/civil party), both for taking preventive measures and on the basis of criminal cases;
Practice areas:
Civil Law
Commercial Law
Administrative Law
Copyright and related rights
Labor Law
Family Law
Associations and Foundations
Criminal Law
Administrative Management - Academy of Economic Studies
Master "Dreptul Afacerilor"
Member of the Bucharest Bar
National Institute for the Training and Improvement of Lawyers
Foreign languages: